
NOTE: I am currently revamping this web site after a few years of inactivity. Until all the pages have been recreated, to see the full content of the old site, CLICK HERE.
Thanks for visiting the on-line counterpart to my HO scale model railroad layout, the Northeast Kingdom Railroad. My name is Mike McNamara and whether you have been to my website before or just came across it while browsing the Internet, I hope you’ll find some useful and entertaining information here. If you have been to my layout, I hope this will add to your knowledge and make you want to come back for another visit.

Maine Central train RY-2 (Rigby to St. Johnsbury) comes through Crawford Notch
My model railroading interest is in northern New England railroading, primarily in the late 1970s to early 1980s time period. I am particularly interested in the Maine Central Railroad and its Mountain Division, from Portland, Maine to St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Through research and visits, I also have come to appreciate the Boston & Maine, Lamoille Valley, Canadian Pacific and Central Vermont lines operating in Vermont, as well as the North Stratford RR in nearby northern New Hampshire. To incorporate all this, my layout is being built to center around the yard in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, where the MEC, CP, BM, and the LVRC lines come together. I also feature branches of the CV and NSRC to enhance operations.
This website encapsulates a lot of the research information I compiled while designing and building my layout. You will find information here about the prototype as well as information on how I built my layout and how I built specific models for the layout.
I have lots of information spread out on the pages of this site. To help you get to what you want quickly, I have divided the information into 4 topics:
I have lots of information spread out on the pages of this site. To help you get to what you want quickly, I have divided the information into 4 topics:
Each main page will take you to more web pages under those specific topics. It may take you a while to get through everything I have here, but take your time and enjoy. Add a bookmark and stop by often.
This web site was started when the layout was originally being planned, in 2002, and added to regularly over the next 10 years. It has been kind of dormant the past few years or so, as I have mainly posted information on my Blog However I decided to update the site and bring it up to date with current information while also maintaining a lot of the original information and research I documented.
If you would like to contact me, to ask questions or provide information, go to my About Me page for my e-mail address.
This web site was started when the layout was originally being planned, in 2002, and added to regularly over the next 10 years. It has been kind of dormant the past few years or so, as I have mainly posted information on my Blog However I decided to update the site and bring it up to date with current information while also maintaining a lot of the original information and research I documented.
If you would like to contact me, to ask questions or provide information, go to my About Me page for my e-mail address.

Lamoille Valley train MJ-1 (Morrisville to St. Johnsbury) with 2 Also RS-3 locomotives is about to cross Rt. 15 in Hardwick, Vermont. LVRC RS-3 7801 waits on the passing siding, and a crew member watches the crossing to keep motorists safe.
You can find me on Facebook, and I have created a Facebook Group called "Northeast Kingdom Model Railroad" where you can occasionally see updates on the layout. Stop by and ask to join!
I have done selected Custom Painting projects in the past. To see some of that work, click in the card above.